Signtraker Business & Software Resources

03 Jan 2021

Sign Installation Experts

Top Five Ways to Grow Your Sign Business

Assuming you are already among the premier suppliers in your area (and we’ll assume that, because you’re reading this), you are already covering the basics: a good-looking post, installed on time, and performed with courteous office and field installation personnel. What next? Here are the top five ways to grow your real estate sign installation… Continue reading Top Five Ways to Grow Your Sign Business

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03 Jul 2020

Sign Installation Experts

One of My Prospects Wants to Use Their Own Custom Posts. How do I Manage This?

Q: A major account I am trying to win wants to use their own custom post. I am reluctant to agree to this because the last time I did that [in my old software], it was impossible to manage it. My regular customers kept requesting the other customer’s special post! It was aggravating to everybody.… Continue reading One of My Prospects Wants to Use Their Own Custom Posts. How do I Manage This?

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02 Jul 2020

Sign Installation Experts

I am using QuickBooks Online. How Does SignTraker Decide How to Match up Customer Records?

Q: I am using QuickBooks Online. How does SignTraker decide how to match up Customer Records? I have been editing things in my QuickBooks, and now it seems like I am getting new Customer Records in my QuickBooks that I’m not expecting (they are not matching correctly). What’s happening?   A: Remember that SignTraker is… Continue reading I am using QuickBooks Online. How Does SignTraker Decide How to Match up Customer Records?

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27 Jun 2020

Sign Installation Experts

How does “Eligible for mileage surcharge” for Services work?

Q: How does “Eligible for mileage surcharge” work? I noticed tonight that it isn’t working the way I expected. Here is my “Order Other Service” screen, where you can see there is no charge for delivery. I want to automatically charge for trips to properties we are re-visiting to add an additional service:   A:… Continue reading How does “Eligible for mileage surcharge” for Services work?

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23 Jun 2020

Sign Installation Experts

Customize Your New Order Message

Do you find that your customers are unclear on your service terms, that their installation price included removal, their basic rental period, or other things?   You can alleviate some of these questions by including some of these details as part of the information provided to the Agent when they are placing their order: To… Continue reading Customize Your New Order Message

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22 Jun 2020

Sign Installation Experts

Error Message:”Stale Object Error:..Your work was not saved”

Q: Could you please take a look at my QuickBooks export if you have a moment? It is giving me an error message that I don’t quite understand. The error message says:   “Error updating customers – batch failed with specifics: [{“AgentId”:100512, “AgentQboId”:”11705″, “FirstName”:”Kim”, “LastName”:”D”, “Operation”:”update”, “CustomerId”:”11705″, “Error”:”Validation Exception was thrown. Details:Stale Object Error :… Continue reading Error Message:”Stale Object Error:..Your work was not saved”

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05 May 2020

Sign Installation Experts

What’s the best way to drill holes in real estate panels?

Q: We have a lot of panels that were originally intended to be used with metal stick-in-the-ground “H” style real estate sign frames. We’re converting to using the new wood textured PVC posts you supply, but now we have to drill holes in the panels in order to hang them. The problem is that when… Continue reading What’s the best way to drill holes in real estate panels?

 2,904 total views

04 May 2020

Sign Installation Experts

Can we edit or replace installation photos after an order has been installed?

Q: Can I upload pictures to an installation order after the order has been completed? Is this possible? This came up because an installer forgot to take a picture but I wanted to complete the order same-day in the system. -Tyler   A: Tyler, yes, you can. This issue does comes up from time to… Continue reading Can we edit or replace installation photos after an order has been installed?

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