Signtraker Business & Software Resources

13 Apr 2020

Can We Set (or Edit) Our Own Service Agreement for Our Customers?

Q: We’ve been in business a long while, and have developed various details we have incorporated in our Terms and Conditions over the years. If we switch to SignTraker, can we include these? Or do you have to edit these for us? How is that done?


A: It is very common for real estate sign installation companies to have terms and conditions that are very specific to their own businesses– primarily because the nature of what’s included in a basic sign management service varies regionally, and because of differences in the nature of the services individual companies offer.


For this reason, we’ve invested to make modifying your particular Service Agreement very easy to do. You can edit and add text, custom pricing variables for your Custom Products, add photos, or even video –like a welcome message from the Owner.


For items that are Agent, Office, Order, or Pricing specific, you can use the built-in SignTraker Merge Tag functions. These would be things such as the agent name, their pricing details, etc., or your company name and contact details. When inserted in the Agreement, they become populated with the relevant specific information upon display to the Agent.


You can find the User Agreement under Custom Content > License Agreement:

Note that the SignTraker Merge Tags are also available in other locations that have variable information, like the large variety of SignTraker Email Templates provided with the system. You can also use the for custom broadcast emails that you can create.


By using Merge Tags, all important references to your business operating parameters (like products, pricing, etc.) are automatically updated throughout your SignTraker system the whenever you decide to change them.


Still have a question? Contact live help at 443-938-9178, Opt 1.

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