Signtraker Business & Software Resources

03 Nov 2019

Is your client locked out of their SignTraker account? Here’s how that can happen.

Q: My customer called me and said they are locked out of their account. What can cause this?


A: Your client can be locked out of SignTraker for one of three reasons:


#1 You locked them out. The most obvious reason is that you have locked them out. For example, you might do this for non-payment. This is done in their SignTraker profile by a SignTraker administrator (someone within your company). Obviously that is not what occurred in this case, or you would know.

#2 Their Manager locked them out. The second option is that the person is a staff member to a manager, and that manager has disabled the user’s access using their own SignTraker administrative view. Usually, this occurs if the staff member has moved to another office or has in some way fallen out of favor with the manager and is not allowed access to the SignTraker system. This condition can be validated by simply calling the manager and asking.


#3 They locked THEMSELVES out. The third, and the most common situation, is that the user has attempted to log into their SignTraker account and failed more than three times. Interestingly, users will call and ask why they are logged out, even though there is a clear message indicating that they are locked out because of too many failed login attempts. There is also a notice included on their screen that states that their account lockout will be temporary and login access will be restored in 15 minutes.

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