Signtraker Business & Software Resources

20 Apr 2024


Server Capacity More Than Doubled

Additional Development Server Also Added

Record Number of New Owners and Installations Demands More Power!    

SignTraker Technologies signed a record number of Licensees through the fall and winter of 2023. The record number of new customer on-boardings did not slow down and continues in the spring of 2024 when things usually slow down for SignTraker– installers are busier and making transitions is harder.  It appears that generating more revenue opportunities by adding more products and services, driving more efficiencies with less staff, and trying to differentiate their companies with a better platform is so compelling that it just must be done. 

Bigger Servers Mean More Power!

In response to the new demands, and to make SignTraker even faster, SignTraker recently upgraded its Amazon Web Services (AWS®) resources, more than doubling the server resources for Owners and Agents.

SignTraker also added an entirely new development server to facilitate faster development and testing of new features, including new integrated sign printing ordering, additional utility marking support, and more.

For additional information on SignTraker’s real estate sign tracking and real estate sign installation software, or how to join SignTraker’s network of professional sign installers throughout the United States and Canada, contact Douglas Deist, Vice President, Marketing and Technology, at 443-938-9178 Ext 2.   

SignTraker Technologies LLC is a privately held sign installation service software provider located in Gaithersburg, MD.  The company supplies cloud-based mobile software, consulting, and durable products to companies and real estate firms interested in providing a superior ordering and sign marketing experience for their stakeholders. For additional information, contact

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